Friday, October 8, 2010

Starbucks Coffee Liqueurs Brand Extension

Starbucks came out with a brand extension called Starbucks Coffee Liqueurs a few years ago. The brand Starbucks has become so popular due to its high-class persona, making people who try the brand feel like they are experiencing something indulgent that they couldn't find anywhere else. 

The same goes for this Starbucks extension. The coffee liqueur comes in a simple bottle with a shot glass lid. The Starbucks logo is centered on the bottle and is located in more then one spot to make sure consumers know its made by Starbucks. Its made with 100% Starbucks coffee, which is sure to entice the market which has fallen in love with their daily "S-bucks". 

This extension has had great reviews due to its simple, yet very brand-oriented outlay. The reason for its great success is because Starbucks choice to extend its brand to something its market likes. They did the research that confirmed 50% of their cliental also drink coffee liqueur. The coffee liqueur they created is also in beverage form, which helps keep their brand identification the same. They went for something that is similar to the products they are renown for and are also enjoyed by at least half of their biggest fans. 

Knowing your market is incredibly important when thinking about brand extension. It’s not realistic to extend your brand to something that doesn't relate to whatever else your selling. It will confuse the consumer and eventually ruin the relationship you have built with them, causing major failure.

The reason why Starbucks and other brands who have extended within their target market, have been and will be successful is because they know their market and they know what their consumers will like best, and choose wisely when putting their label on something. The key is to making sure it not only makes sense to extend the brand but also to make sure the people who already support your brand will be impressed instead of disappointed. 

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